Jay Sandweiss
D.O., C‑NMM/OMM, D.A.B.M.A., F.A.A.M.A.
Jay Sandweiss D.O., D.A.B.M.A. has been teaching health related courses since 1979. His audiences have included medical doctors, osteopathic physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, registered nurses, and other health professionals. He has taught nationally and internationally for the American Back Society and the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. Dr. Sandweiss is board certified by the American Ostepathic Assocation in neuro-musculoskeletal medicine and osteopathic manipulative medicine. He is also board certified in medical acupuncture by the American Board of Medical Acupuncture.
Dr. Sandweiss is a member of the following organizations:
- American Academy of Osteopathy
- American Osteopathic Association
- American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
- The Cranial Academy
- Academy of Integrative Pain Management
- American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
- Southeastern Michigan Cranial Society
- Michigan Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons
- American College of Family Practitioners
- Michigan Osteopathic Association
Dr. Sandweiss is extensively trained in the fields of Osteopathy, Applied Kinesiology, Applied Nutrition and Chinese Medicine. He has been practicing and teaching Japanese and Chinese martial arts for over forty years, holding high black belt ranks in both Karate-do and Aikido.
In teaching his seminars, Dr. Sandweiss has the ability to integrate a wealth of information into a focused, practical model. Participants of Dr. Sandweiss' courses enjoy the relaxed and playful atmosphere that he brings to the learning experience. His reputation as a truly gifted teacher is well deserved.
Dr. Sandweiss currently maintains a wellness-oriented osteopathic medical practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Private Practice Osteopathic Medicine Ann Arbor, Michigan 1989‑present
Board Certified: Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine.
American Osteopathic Association Special Proficiency Certification: C‑N.M.M./O.M.M.
Board Certified: Medical Acupuncture
American Board of Medical Acupuncture Special Proficiency Certification: D.A.B.M.A.
Fellowship Award Medical Acupuncture
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture Title: F.A.A.M.A.
Medical Internship: Oakland General Hospital Madison Heights, Michigan 1988‑89
Medical School: Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Class of 1988: D.O. Degree
Undergraduate Degree University of Michigan, Bachelor of Arts Philosophy 1975 Honors: Phi Beta Kappa, James B. Angell Scholar
Instructor/Lecturer: Integrative Medicine, Osteopathic Manipulation, Chinese Medicine, Applied Nutrition, Applied Kinesiology, Martial Arts
Clinical Preceptor:
Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, University of Iowa Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences/College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery,Wayne State University School of Medicine, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine
Teaching Faculty: American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, Integrated Structural Acupuncture Program, Academy of Integrative Pain Management
Publication: Sandweiss and Bensky Integrating Acupuncture and Manual Medicine, from Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: State of the Art Reviews. Hanley & Belfus, Inc. 2000.